Stations of Shadow

by J. Daniel Stone

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publisher : Lethe Press
Publication Date : July 14, 2020

Stations of Shadow is such a dark story with well-defined characters and a very unique plot. Sebastian (Hydra Lerna) and his Adrian (Hera Wynn) are drag queens in New York City. The relationship between the two is complex. There is love, jealousy, lust, and appreciation. The book starts with a magnificent jaw-dropping underground performance by Sebastian as Hydra Lerna which makes Adrian envious about it and curious to know his friend’s secret. “Hydra Lerna faced the crowd, two extra heads now grown out of her neck, viper teeth and dragon scales glittering with gore as the last of her flesh costume was ripped away and plopped in a gummy heap on the stage”

The story takes place in different periods where we get to see the pasts of Sebastian, Adrian, and Lilith. This circle of friends has it all too. Both Lilith and Adrian are in love with Sebastian and they cannot stand each other. When the two are talking to each other their dialogue is witty and droll. I loved the characters’ personal stories a lot. They are not something unusual and I am sure many readers would relate to them. “What Lilith hated the most was that Adrian met Sebastian first, to which he used as sacred ammunition. He knew it was a trigger for her”’

Another big side of the story is Sebastian’s relationship with his psychiatric Dr. Veronica Pazzesca. As you read about his past you will understand his mental health issues and the split personality he had. At times as a reader, I was confused about what was real and what was not. Was this Hydra just one side and one of the personalities of Sebastian or was it this demon creature that was living inside him and came out whenever she wanted? I love it when a book plays tricks on my mind. I feel this was intentionally done this way by J. Daniel Stone and I have to say it is brilliant because like the protagonist you will also be confused as a reader and want to know more.

Despite how one might think that Sebastian was a complex and bossy character, I feel he was not. The guy had his problems but as he said at one point that everybody was thinking about him as a leader while in reality, he was just a guy who wanted to forget his past! He was considered a leader because he brought them all together. He acted like the glue that made them stick together

Stations of Shadow is not your regular cliche supernatural horror story. It has a lot more depth to it which needs you to be focused and concentrating on the events happening. The vivid scenes make the story comes alive before your eyes. Sometimes this can be scary because of the amount of darkness some of the scenes have. The dark horror and the complex LGBTQ characters combined together made this a wonderful reading experience. I don’t know if all J. Daniel Stone’s books have the same tone of depth, darkness, and complexity as this is the first book I read for him. I guess I will know that when I read more of his work.

“She was the shade of end times, the color of blaspheme; she was the pigment of plaque”

Many thanks to the author for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange for this honest and unbiased review.


  • Horror
  • Drag Queens
  • Mental Health
  • Drug Use

Bachelors: Secrets

by R. F. Lange

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication Date : October 16, 2017
Series: Bachelor Book 1

Jason is a straight guy and he gives Collin a massage while his soon to be husband (Blaine) is drunk and completely passed out in the other room! And Jason is the kind of man who turns on the protagonist in a big way. Collin finds himself in a situation where he could cheat on his fiance but will he be able to do it? The story is told from his perspective. 

There is so much hotness to this story! A straight guy (?) giving a gay man a massage. “The weight of him on top of me felt good and his cock . . . did Jason know he was sporting a boner?” Not only that but he later asks for some porn to jack off to! But after all, Jason doesn’t turn to be the straight guy everybody was thinking! The protagonist was speaking out to the readers all his desires. He wanted Jason to fuck his fiance. He desired it. During his intercourse with his fiance, he tells him all about it and Blaine agrees to take Jason’s cock in his ass!

This hot story is marvelous. It has many erotic themes. R. F. Lange’s writing is delicious. He knows when to push more and when to hold back when it comes to teasing. I loved the chemistry and the amount of teasing between Collin and Jason. At the same time, I feel Collin was very much in love with his fiance Blaine as he kept feeling guilty about it while playing with Jason. The sex scene between the engaged guys showed some kind of intensity and closeness. Collin might’ve underestimated his fiance but when he opened up to him, his fiance also told him what he wanted to hear. The ending might be considered by some as a cliffhanger but I find it edgy and gets you excited to dive in the next book for more action!


  • Cheating
  • Cuckolding
  • Straight to Gay
  • Massage Sex
  • Pissing
  • Nipple Play
  • Blowjob
  • Bareback Sex