Project ALPHA – Part One: The Beast

by Ethan White

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publisher : Indie Erotica Collective
Publication Date : August 28, 2017
Series: Project Alpha – Book 1

A scientist called Kent Jamison in his thirties works on a promising secret project at a science facility. The project has started five years ago and has the goal of extending lives, preventing diseases, and most importantly creating the perfect soldiers by improving their abilities. The program so far did not work well and Kent finds himself worried about his new test subject Tommy, a young man that Kent became very fond of. The result this time is successful! And Kent along with the others in the team will be able to see how Tommy transforms into that huge beast!

This is the first part of four parts in the Project Alpha series. The short way to describe Ethan White’s writing is to call it DELICIOUS! Yep, in caps. I own the 4 bundle edition which has all the four parts and I recommend you have all the four parts available when you start this book because it is so good that will be hard to put down, you will have this desire to go to the next part as soon as you finish one. The first part kind of ends with a cliffhanger so having the next part is necessary to continue with the story. I read all the parts but I will post the reviews separately for each one. I have noticed that in each part there is one major theme that dominates the book. In this one, it is the transformation of that young guy into a huge beast and how that beast reacts to the men surrounding him! Hot stuff! I loved how the author portrayed the relationship between Kent and Tommy before the transformation. Obviously, there was this unconfessed love between the two but because of the rules of the facility, Kent was resisting his urges. The way the test procedure is written is detailed and fun to read! The transformation details are magnificent and extremely erotic. If you love men getting big with big muscle mass then you will definitely love this a lot. The idea of the apricot-like scent pheromones that the beast was releasing and affecting everybody around him is just brilliant, making everybody surrender to that beast and be on their knees ready to worship him. This is a must-read for fans of erotic science fiction books. I feel even those readers who are not into science fiction stories will appreciate this one. There is so much to love and enjoy.


  • Erotic Science Fiction
  • Beast
  • Bareback Sex
  • Transformation
  • Sex Toys