
by Karen Stivali

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Publication Date : August 6, 2015
Publisher : Karen Stivali

David is in love with his brother Derek’s best friend, Wiley. This love has started five years ago when he met him for the first time. Derek always knew about his brother’s feelings for his friend but he always kept saying to his brother that the guy is straight and that he should look somewhere else. When Wiley has a fight with his roommate he ends up staying with the guys and sleeping on the couch. This becomes torture to David as he will keep seeing his love in front of him every morning without being able to do anything about it. One day Wiley helps David with his assignment that needs a model to pose for him and that is the day everything changes for both. The night of that day is the night David has been waiting for for a long time. The story consists of six chapters and is narrated from David’s point of view.

The story has three characters and all three are very likable. David is a kind and helpful guy. His relationship with Derek is adorable. It is good to read a story in which two siblings get along very well even when they are sexually different. The chemistry between the two main characters is really cute. I feel these are characters that every reader will root for them. The sex in this story is light and soft, nothing hardcore. I guess the author wanted to focus more on the romance than the erotic physical side. For me, the biggest problem with this story is the trope where the two protagonists are in love with each other for a long time (five years in this story) but both doing nothing about it. This trope never works for me. I don’t find it believable especially when it is between two males. I feel if it was one of them being in love and the other not and just realizing it now is a more believable situation. I find instant love is more convincing than this trope as well. Despite not being a fan of this trope I still think Tonight is a very good M/M story and let us not forget to mention that it has a sexy cover too!


  • Romance
  • Frottage
  • Handjob

Note: This read is part of my Goodreads’ recommendations experiment which you can find HERE