
by Christopher Scott

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Publication date:‎ February 19, 2012
Series: Crisco’s Memoirs Collection #1 – #4

Named Bulge, this memoir collection consists of four stories by its author, Christopher Scott (Crisco). The four volumes are also available separately on Amazon in case you want to try one first. The covers of the individual books are quite sexy too! All four stories are narrated in the first-person style, which makes it easier to connect with the writing.

Man of the House:
It starts with Chris being jailed for three years due to drug possession. This is about his adventures in jail with other men. This short story is about his encounter with a new aggressive cellmate who fulfills his kinky fantasies.

Clean Finish:
This is a short story in which Crisco narrates his encounter with another guy named Mark in high school. The wrestling theme in this story makes it quite tantalizing.

The Party Favor:
Christopher has finished high school and is ready to broaden his horizons when it comes to having fun. Going to West Hollywood is one way to enrich his homosexual experience. There he meets Michael and Dillon, and they invite him to stay with them. They will have a party, with Chris as the party favor.

Fluff & Buff:
Drugs, prostitution, escorting, and porn are a few things in which the main character gets involved in this installment.

Of course, reading and rating this collection should be for its entertainment value. This is erotica, so keep your expectations in check. Overall, this was an enjoyable read.


  • Gay Erotica
  • Prison Sex
  • Shower Sex
  • Gay Slurs
  • Rimming
  • Bareback Sex
  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Orgy
  • Porn
  • Drug Use

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