Abuse of Power

by Dyson Porter

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date:‎ December 31, 2017

This is a short sex story about an unnamed cop who along with his job partner (Allen) abused their position to get sexual favors from the criminals they arrested. The story’s first half is about how the main protagonist caught his partner during duty in an obscene position. It shows how the protagonist and his partner had an understanding of how to use their power for their own benefit.

The second portion of the story takes place some years later when the main character gets a new working partner named Ian. After Ian learns everything there is to know about his partner, it is time for payback. The story focuses entirely on officers of the law misusing their authority in order to satisfy their own desires. If this is something that interests you, then you are going to get a lot out of this short tale. I think the author did a great creating the erotic scenes in both parts of the story. I enjoyed it.


  • Gay Erotica
  • Cop
  • Blowjob
  • Bareback Sex
  • Slurs
  • Force
  • Threesome

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