Mick – Fifty Shades of Gay

by Richard Peters

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date:  August 5, 2012

This is the second book I read by Richard Peters, and like the first book I read by him, Carter’s Cottage, this is also hot and filled with lots of sexual encounters. There is nothing wrong with calling it a gay pornographic literature feast! In the description section, it is described as an epic saga of homosexual pornography, which I think is so true to what the book offers.

As the title suggests, the story follows Mick through his different life stages, from his teenage years until his adulthood. I think the author has done a great job structuring the book into sections, with each section representing a specific period of Mick’s life. These sections are also divided into parts based on different events during that time frame.

At times, the story is told in the first-person narration style, but it is not from Mick’s perspective but from his friend’s perspective, Rich, who lusts after Mick and his body parts. As a reader, you get to see Mick’s glorified characteristics through his friend’s eyes, as he is totally smitten by the main character. Then, there are times when the narration shifts to the third person type. The transition between the two types of narration happens smoothly without disturbing the flow of the story or events.

Both Rich and Mick have their own ways with many other guys, whether they are gay, straight, single, or married. Nothing stops them. The two do not discriminate. Actually, there were instances when you would feel that Rich preferred married men over others! Not only this, but he actually finds his way to Mick’s stepdad’s (David) heart and pants, too! 

Regardless of the circumstances that led to the two men drifting apart from one another or the individuals who came between them, they remained together and in love until the very end. However, despite the fact that the story does not have a happy ending, I would not change it. It is a perfect fit for the story’s theme and gives the impression that it is a genuine saga. Richard Peters has once again delivered. 

You are going to pick this book for its super erotic theme. That eye candy cover gives you an idea of what you are getting into. The author doesn’t hold back when it comes to the sex scenes. They are highly explicit and pornographic in nature. The author knows his craft, and those scenes are marvelously crafted with passion. In addition to that, you are getting an exciting set of characters that you follow through their different life stages and root for, even if you do not entirely approve of their life decisions. 


  • Gay Erotica
  • Bareback Sex
  • Bisexual
  • Saga

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