by T. Brian Loos

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date: ‎August 29, 2017

Uncut is a collection of short/flash stories based on one theme, and that is uncut men. If you fetishize a man’s uncut tool, then this is definitely the book for you. There are a total of six stories, and they all revolve around how uncut gay men can have fun in several ways. Stories can range from soft and intimate to hard and brutal. I feel there is something for everybody and if you enjoy reading sex stories in both intensities, then I’m sure these flash stories will give you satisfaction.

Group Shower Docking:
The title itself tells you what this short story is about. Docking is one of the reasons men should remain uncut. Especially gay men.

Sleep Over:
A man takes advantage of another man’s uncut cock while he is asleep.

Scary Dude:
A hookup that went wrong, or maybe right? It will depend on how you look into it and how much it arouses you. Foreskin and PA can’t go wrong!

Foreskin Club:
This is a club for married bisexual men who are uncut and live their wildest fantasies.

Stretching his Foreskin:
A curious boy gets the chance to play with the foreskin of his dad’s coworker.

Foreskin Torture:
Four men in the basement are torturing the foreskin of a pain freak.

I loved all the stories. This is not the first time I’ve read a story by this author. I love his way of storytelling. In these flash stories, he keeps things simple and to the point. One would think this could be a disadvantage, but when you read the book you will know it is a big pro. I may go on and say that the directness of these stories added more arousal for me. So the experience of me reading these short stories was totally fantastic. A theme that I love, kinks that I enjoy, and an extremely erotic writing style. What else is there not to love?


  • Gay Erotica
  • Flash Stories
  • Uncut
  • Foreskin
  • Docking
  • Torture