Cindy the Cow

by Maeve Zaal

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 25, 2021

This is a short sex story about a woman called Cindy. One night at the nightclub she meets Derrick who sees lots of potential in her and decides to add her as a hucow to cowgirl ranch owned by his father. Derrick does not hesitate to use the woman and show her what she has been missing all these years.

The story takes you immediately to the action. You see how Derrick is using Cindy right there in the club focusing on her big full of milk breasts. There are lots of arousing dirty talking. While taking advantage of her body, the man keeps convincing her that she was made to be used by men, as a hucow. Cindy feels completely hypnotized and cannot say no to this stranger she met who is using her in public.

The book has a lot of female objectification and humiliation. If all this offends you, then this is not the book for you. If you love the theme already or make you curious do give it a try. Keep in mind this is a fantasy story so there are parts especially the one in public that is not believable. But since this is fantasy there is no harm in imagining all these hot scenes in your head! I enjoyed it a lot.


  • Straight Erotica
  • Erotic Fantasy
  • Hucow
  • Public Sex
  • Group Sex
  • Humiliation
  • Objectification
  • Slurs


by Alex Laurrose

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 14, 2019
Series: Freeuse, Ohio Book 2

Sunday is the second book in the Freeuse, Ohio series. Keep in mind that the series is meant to be read according to the order of publication if you wish to know more about the characters and their relationships. It is possible to read this one without reading the first book but you will miss out on the connection between the characters. The main themes continue to be the same, free use and female objectification. So if that bothers you then you should look somewhere else. If that arouses you then this is your book because it is fun and a very well-written erotic tale for its subgenre.

The book consists of four chapters. Each chapter features one of the female characters being used freely by men. The first chapter is about Dorothy running in her tight leggings and getting lucky with two men! The second chapter is Alyssa’s encounter with pastor Jennings. The next one is Becky’s fun time with her much older teacher and his buddies. And the last chapter has Mrs. Johnson seducing her daughter’s boyfriend Josh.

I loved all the chapters. Like the first book, I think they are written with so much lust. This is not a romantic story or anything. It is an out-and-out sex story that takes place in an alternative world. Somehow like a fantasy. So if you want to enrich your free use fantasies, then this will not disappoint you.


  • Free Use
  • Public Sex
  • Straight Erotica
  • Blowjob
  • Threesome
  • Skimpy outfit
  • Age Gap
  • Slurs
  • Gangbang
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Objectification

Freeuse, Ohio

by Alex Laurrose

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date ‏ : ‎ January 23, 2019
Series: Freeuse, Ohio Book 1

In the free use genre, the world is set in an alternative universe from our world where everybody is available for sex. Nobody says no and sex is just something very common everywhere. How authors tackle free use differs from an author to another. Some authors make only one character free use, usually the main character. Some authors make only females free use. And other authors just make everybody be free to use characters. In this book, it is the females who are free to use.

All the characters are above eighteen years old. The story starts at the school’s cafeteria. The character Alyssa is having a conversation with her friend Becky while she is being used right there by a guy! I was hooked right from the beginning! It felt very perverted and sleazy, yet natural and normal in that world. I don’t think many female readers will like this genre as it objectifies all the female characters and treats them like sex dolls! Maybe some readers will find that offensive. I am sure there will be some females who might like the theme though. I guess most male readers will love this and stay stiff until the end! 😃

I enjoyed reading this short story a lot. The story is more smut after smut but the quality of the steamy scenes is pretty good. Fortunately, there are two more books in the series. Alex Laurrose’s books are all based on free use so that is a great opportunity for me to explore more in this genre.


  • Free Use
  • Public Sex
  • Straight Erotica
  • Blowjob
  • Skimpy outfit
  • Age Gap
  • Slurs
  • Gangbang
  • Double Penetration
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Objectification

Inherited Legacy

by Jack Ryder

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication Date : December 16, 2017

After the death of his father, Jack, a college guy has to return to his hometown and meet his beautiful Asian stepmom, Lilu. Jack remembers how his dad was a swinger and used to swap wives with his friends back then. There is so much sexual tension between Jack and Lilu until it becomes unbearable for them not to touch each other. The surprise is when Jack is given his father’s will and what he left for him. 

I liked a lot how much the author was focusing on Lilu’s 38DD breasts and nipples making the main character lusting all the time over them. There is a lot of female objectification in the story so if that is not your thing I don’t think that you will enjoy this story. Or those readers who has a problem with pseudo incest sex scenes. Jack penetrates his stepmother calling her mama! So keep that in mind. Towards the end of the story there will be some cuckolding and bull acting.

This is the first time I read a story by Jack Ryder. I loved it a lot. The concept of the story is quite hot and the writing style is up my alley. The author has used several themes in this book be it taboo interracial sex, busty woman, age gap and swinging. There are plenty sex scenes and they do not disappoint at all. The author did a great job giving body descriptions and describing the lingerie the female character was wearing in different scenes. This was a cover pick. I didn’t even read the synopsis. I just wanted to read something really hot and that cover girl sold the book to me! I checked Jack Ryder’s other books and they all have fantastic cover girls! So basically this was hot from inside and outside.


  • Stepmother/Stepson
  • Interracial Sex
  • Age Gap
  • Straight Erotica
  • Shaving
  • Blowjob
  • Bareback Sex
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Swingers
  • Piss
  • Objectification
  • MILF
  • Cuckolding

Becoming a Bull

by Jennifer Beryl

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date : April 28, 2018

Becoming a Bull is the story of Neil Anderson, a young man who decides to quit his office job and become a hucow bull on a local dairy farm after finding an ad in a coffee shop. Neil not sure he would be fit enough for that job but will try to give it a try by applying for it before quitting his office job. On the dairy farm, he is surprised how well the place is maintained and he gets to meet Dr. Tanuma, a beautiful lady who assists him to proceed with his application by doing some blood tests and giving him a tour of the place. Will Neil qualify to work there? You have to read this short sex story to know.

Lately, I have been obsessed a bit with reading hucow erotica. The synopsis of Becoming a Bull was the right thing for me. Remember, erotica is subjective. What I think is hot does not mean that you have to feel the same way about it. The first thing I want to mention here is that Jennifer Beryl’s writing style and use of words impressed me. She knows how to make hot ideas become and sound even hotter on paper. There are several characters in the story and they all seemed to be a lot of fun to know and hang out with. The main character no doubt is obsessed with busty women like many men. The other two male bulls on the farm in their kilts made a tantalizing visual in my mind and a hucow like Jasmine will make your imagination come true! I just hoped we had more of them in the story. The whole concept of a dairy farm like that being operated professionally sounds great. The other concept of transforming a man into a bull is another idea I liked a lot. I know I would have preferred this story to be longer. I feel there is a lot more that the author could tell. But for what it is I had a great time for sure and if one day the author decides to make a sequel then I am so on board!

“Neil felt a wave of triumph wash over him. The primal part of him was thrilled that he had likely just impregnated the hucow. A deep seated urge felt relieved inside of him. It wasn’t a need he’d even knew he’d had before then.”


  • Straight Erotica
  • Hucow
  • Lactation
  • Transformation
  • Objectification
  • Men in Kilt
  • Bareback Sex

Project ALPHA – Part Four: The Studio

By Ethan White

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publisher : Indie Erotica Collective
Publication Date : October 12, 2017
Series: Project Alpha – Book 4

This is the final part of the series. After Thomas succeeded with his plan in capturing Collin, the recruiter of BoiBubble Studios under his charm, it is time for the Alpha male beast along with his omega boy Kenny to take care of Eric Walker, the president of the studios. The plan is to take over the Studios and have full control over it by controlling its president. 

During the meeting with Eric, Thomas uses his superpowers and pheromones to capture the president of the studios under his charm. The meeting gets hot from objectifying Kenny to everybody getting extremely aroused. Thomas’s grip on the president is fantastic. It does not take too long until Eric calls him Sir too. Eric actually gets in heat and finds himself begging Thomas to work for the Studios. Like the previous parts, this one too has lots of stimulating Alpha and submissive dialogue. The sex scene that the three engage in is fiery with lots of begging and pleading from Eric who wanted things harder and more intense. Although this was a new beginning for Thomas and his boys, it was the ending of this series. Good things will have to come to an end. But this series will always stay in my mind vividly due to its genius concept, fantastic characters, and extremely stimulating dialogue. Very much recommended.


  • Erotic Science Fiction
  • Transformation
  • Hypnosis
  • Himbofication
  • Objectification
  • Threesome
  • Rimming
  • Bareback Sex


by Andrew C. Thune

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication Date : July 5, 2020
Series: Tales of the Zodiac Book 6

This is the sixth book in the Tales of the Zodiac series. I read the fifth book Gemini and absolutely loved it. This short story is about this bakery that sells all kinds of addicting savory sweets and deserts. It is owned by this immortal being who is responsible for baking all the goodies. The owner loves to make the mortals happy with all the sweets he makes but at the same time knows how to teach a lesson to those who behave badly with others and that by using his special ingredients in baking cupcakes made specifically to those bad persons! 

The first incident is this customer (Steven) who makes lots of noise in the bakery about an order he claims that he placed nine days ago but of course that is a lie. The owner knows that and decides to bake for him those special cupcakes that will turn him into a bimbo after he insulted the bakery’s female workers! The transformation scene is terrific. Big ass cheeks, inflated lips. Those cupcakes turn Steven into a sex object, into a bimbo! “His ass just didn’t look bigger, it looked obscenely bigger. It looked swollen in size. He grasped his cheeks and felt the soft pillows that stretched his trousers to their breaking point.”. The sex scene between Steven and his boss is extremely hot! It is worth being repeated practically with someone you love!

The second incident is when a lady who is abused by her husband comes to the bakery. When the owner knows that her husband (Jared) beats her he makes the special cupcakes for him to teach him a lesson! This time the goal is to turn this muscular man who has been bullying his wife into a hungry horny pig! This is a fun transformation to read about as the man keeps getting bigger (Everything gets big except his cock which gets smaller) and hornier while watching a match on the TV desiring all those players. 

If you will read this book then be sure that you will get hungry, maybe you will crave a cupcake, bagel, or a donut! Food (especially cupcakes) is the second permanent main character in this book. So get ready to feel that sweet taste in your mouth and get ready to feel hungry whether for food or for sex! Having read two Andrew C. Thune’s books before, this one too was as wonderful as the two others I have read. There is always this fantastic fantasy in his stories and a kind of mystery of what is going on and what will happen next. The narration keeps changing between first-person style and third-person style. And I think choosing such a narrative style helped a lot with understanding the story and the immortal owner’s point of view. The erotic scenes in this book were magnificent, I had no doubt about that. The book delivered what it promised. Great cover choice too. Just be sure to have a cupcake or a donut around. You might need it after you finish your reading! Delicious 😋!


  • Erotica Fantasy
  • Bareback Sex
  • Blowjob
  • Objectification
  • Bimbofication
  • Transformation


by Andrew C. Thune

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication Date : July 21, 2018

This is the fifth book in the Tales of the Zodiac series by Andrew C. Thune and the second book that I read for the author. My experience with his other book The Hanky Code was very positive and this one too is no different despite the two books having completely different themes and atmospheres. Gemini is a weird, queer, bizarre, and has this sexy surreal feeling to it. The idea of the story is super creative, like nothing I have read before. It’s gay erotica but with science fiction and fantasy touch to it. The story is about this gay club called Club Gemini that every gay guy is talking about. It’s a secret underground club that men rave about and it is managed by a pair of twins who are called King and Queen. In this story, we follow the two friends, Ryan and Marco who try to search for the club and spend some sexy times there.

At the beginning of the story we are introduced to these two friends while they are trying to find Club Gemini, the newest gay bar in the city. It is what all the men in the city talk about due to its crazed sex parties, cheap drinks, and all the hot naked men that fill the club. (woof! all the right reasons for a man to go there!). There is only one problem though, nobody can give them any clear direction to where this club exactly is. All they could get is a general location. The author gives the physical description of the two main characters along with their attitudes and behavior. The reader will have the needed background of how these two are so different yet very close friends. After a long night of searching for the club and not finding it, they decide to just eat something and go home. When they almost gave up finding Club Gemini they see it right there, with its soft glow of pink sign and the sound of music coming out of it!

I loved the scene where the two guys try to enter the club guessing the password. Can we fucking give a warm long applause to the author for the physical appearance he gave the club workers including the security man? “He leaned against the doorway and looked at the two friends as he erotically sucked on a bright red lollipop. His plump lips pursed around the candy as he sucked and examined the two potential clubbers” DAMN! Isn’t that just delicious? Not just that, but it appears the bouncer had a thick body and having a short pair of golden spandex shorts that left very little to the imagination! “His pert buttocks were overflowed the back of the shorts while his cock looked ready to bounce free from the front pouch at any moment. The thick member that hung to the left of his shorts begged for men for their attention” Seriously, if this did not make you salivate or leak, I don’t know what else could make you.

Once inside the club, we get the overall atmosphere of it. All men, having fun, dancing, drinking, and partying. Andrew C. Thune creates the ideal vision for his readers how Club Gemini looks like from inside, like a giant warehouse with many floors, the first being the dance floor with a large bar at the center. There are three additional levels and men are dressed less the higher the level. That sounds awesome! 😜. And to make a strange club more odd is that huge bed placed near the backside with two men (King & Queen) lounging atop of it. Next, the two horny friends are at the bar for drinks and staring at the bartender’s big bubble butt (Who wouldn’t?). The author’s description of that beautiful big butt and the position that the bartender was bending will make your cock twitch for sure. The bartender looked nearly identical to the bouncer they met at the gate which raised lots of questions.

While Marco and Ryan were dancing, The twins fixed their eyes on them and the two decided on their preys for the night! After several drinks Marco needed to use the restroom, he kept searching for it unsuccessfully until he reached a hallway that ended with a brick wall but what was strange is that the path he came from was changed now! The maze is brilliantly created and adds lots of surreal feeling to this magical strange story. It was so hot and interesting to read about the hallway that Marco has finally reached, were moans, groans and the sound of skin on skin contact was coming from. Looking through the first room’s door Marco could see a man breeding another one aggressively and the bottom begging for more. That made Marco’s cock throb. In the next room a man squatted on the face of another man that was tied to the bed (Fucking hot!). The sub was eating the man’s hole while the dominant was talking dirty. “Eat my hole pig! Fucking eat it! You love my sweaty shit hole don’t you pig?” I bet he does. “Fucking right pig. Worship my fucking hole you pathetic fag!” The third room had this greedy man with a wrecked hole using a toy nearly the size of a traffic cone! Greedy cock-hungry filthy hole! As Marco was watching each action in these rooms he was also rubbing his cock that was leaking for all the right reasons. The last room was empty and was almost like a jail cell. This is when Marco comes face to face with one of the twins, King.

The sex scene between Marco and King is fire! extremely hot and arousing. Everything I was expecting to happen the author has given and more with his wonderful sexy writing. “The man pressed Marco’s face into his crotch. He could smell the musk of the man’s cock and groaned.” Marco sucking that gigantic cock and King fucking his mouth hard and good. I just enjoyed how King treated Marco like a sex object, making Marco beg him to cum. The ass fucking is perfectly done with King thrusting inside Marco’s hole getting them both closer to an intense orgasm. Just as soon as King shoots his load in the guy’s ass, the magic starts to happen. Marco gets transformed to the same look as the rest of the employees in the club! Brilliant idea and a very hot one too!. Welcome to the family!

Ryan gets worried about Marco for taking a long time to return. On the dance floor, he meets Queen, the other brother, who takes him to the maze telling him that his friend is there. Andrew C. Thune’s brilliant ideas continue here too. I was impressed by how differently he made this sex scene than Marco’s with everything showing differently in the mirror reflection. An excellent setting is created with multiple mirrors. “Ryan watched his reflection’s ass inflate, on his slender body, his ass and cock looked fake, obscene even. Someone of his body could never have an ass or cock like that naturally.” (Obscene fake asses and cocks get my cock stiff, love them). Like Marco has been penetrated and shot in, Ryan will get the same from Queen. “With every ounce of cum that flowed into his body, Ryan watched as his reflection warped and back to the partially nude reflection – the transformed reflection.”

The brilliant premise, the sultry writing, the exceptional setting, and the spooky bizarre wicked atmosphere all together added up to make such a fantastic reading experience. I was reading this story and all I was saying that this is so good and should be adopted to a movie! Yep, it is that good. Sometimes I feel that with reviewing some books it becomes really difficult to praise how good they are. The same case is very true with Gemini. I’m not sure how much I could praise it to justify how good the book is or how much I enjoyed it. All I can tell is that the author Andrew C. Thune has truly nailed it in every department. It might be strange to see me start a series jumping to the 5th book, but I did so because every book in the series is a standalone and because of that irresistible cover. Just look and appreciate that cover. This is another perk that I give the author for choosing the right covers for his books. This cover is totally fit for the story. What you see on the cover is what you get in the story. This story shall appeal to all readers who are into erotica especially those who love their men objectified with bigger body parts that almost look fake compared to the rest of their bodies. I know I love that a lot and I loved this story as much too.


  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Objectification
  • Bareback Sex
  • Blowjob
  • Rimming
  • Sex Club
  • Big Sex Organs
  • Sex Toys

His Himbo

by Lex Valon

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication Date : July 1, 2017

This was a truly delicious read. There are no many gay erotica out there that focus on this theme, Himbo, and Himbofication. Even among gay guys, this is not something fully knowledgable by all. So I appreciate the author Lex Valon for writing about this fetish and getting all the main characteristics right for it. For those who are not aware of what a Himbo is, a himbo is the male version of a bimbo. A himbo will be focused on his look and building his muscles, his other main focus is satisfying his sexual desires. He will not need to use his brain to think about anything, so basically he has to be very dumb. The dumber he is the sexier he will be. He will have to wear some sleazy and slutty things to show off his muscles and what he is.

The story is narrated by the guy who will be himbofied by sweet at first then aggressive and a lot dominant later Parker. Not sure that the main character’s name is even mentioned. Parker just called him all names that a himbo would love to hear. The narrator was sexually attracted to the handsome Parker hence he agreed to be his himbo despite not knowing what a himbo is at first. The sex scene was long with Parker being in command of everything. He objectified the himbo a lot, so if male objectification turns you on you will immensely enjoy reading this.

There is no intercourse between the two characters, I guess that is kept for the sequel. But there is enough sexual teasing and play that will keep you excited. There is domination throughout the story and the use of lots of sex toys like dildos, vibrators etc. forced sucking and a bit of spitting. If a guy being in full control by another is your thing you won’t be disappointed. Very Hot!


  • Himbo
  • Domination
  • Humiliation
  • Objectification
  • Sex Toys
  • Skull Fucking