Finding Beau

by Alex J. Adams

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 17, 2022
Series: Liverpool Boys Series Book 2

This is a tale of two guys falling in love. Beau, who is 23 years old, is a beautiful guy from the inside and outside. He struggles to stand on his own two feet in the world and endures a challenging life. Taking care of his sister, who is a drug addict, is his toughest challenge. He forces himself to make decisions that would significantly impact him in order to protect her. He will allow others to abuse him, including extortion and sexual assault. But eventually, he will have to put an end to everything and declare that enough is enough. Kwanchai, on the other hand, is an Asian man who aspires to become a successful K-pop star. The two guys’ lifestyles and differences from one another are pronounced. There is no turning back after they first encounter one another because something in their hearts ignites.

The story is written in the first-person narration style from the two main characters’ perspectives. The reader learns the innermost sentiments and thoughts of the two major characters, which helps the reader comprehend their points of view. Beau’s tale is the more dramatic and somber one of the two. Kwan’s role is more laid back until something occurs to one of his colleagues. I’ve never read anything by the author before, and I liked her writing style. I appreciate how she maintained the characters’ sexual versatility, which is uncommon in this genre. I am aware that this is book two in the series, but you can read it as a standalone. Possibly soon, I’ll pick up the first one.

In my opinion, the lack of communication between the two protagonists did, in the middle of the book, lessen the impact of the story. Lack of communication and miscommunication in romance are tropes that usually do not go well with me. Fortunately, the story did not stay in that tone and moved on. Overall, this is a lovely romantic story with some hard subjects that might be triggering to some readers. So be sure to check the trigger warnings before you get into it. Yes, you will get your happy ending as well, if you were wondering about it.

Many thanks to the author/publisher and Booksirens for providing me with an advance reader copy of this book.


  • MM Romance
  • Sexual Assault
  • Suicide
  • Drug Addiction

A K-Pop Dream

by C.D. Truncheon

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publisher : Mayonnaise Press
Publication date : March 16, 2021

A K-Pop Dream is a romance novella that follows a Korean guy who is a member of a famous band called 4MQA. After the end of the military service, the band members reunite for a big comeback tour. In this story, we are following one of the members, Yong Hangyeol. Yong did not get over the suicide of another member of the band, Ssaurabi. There will be some flashbacks of the past and what happened between the two guys. It gives you an idea of why the protagonist blames himself for the death of his colleague.

Then Yong meets Luca, a light brown-skinned American guy in a small coffee shop. A small accident happens there and the two guys have a conversation. Yong gets to know that Luca is a pilot. When Luca asks him for a Seoul tour to show him the city at first Yong hesitates due to his band rehearsals but then he just gives in and decides to give himself a full day of leave from everything else and hang out with this American guy who will eventually change his life.

The story is truly cute despite having some dark moments and trigger warnings. It is narrated in the first-person style which I think was the optimal choice to understand the main character’s past experience and his new situation. Like Yong, many persons sometimes find themselves trapped in a bad career, or a bad relationship, or even in their own past that makes their life miserable but they don’t have the courage to get out of it. Sometimes one needs an outer force to guide him or perhaps push him to take action and change the misery one is in. In this story, Luca comes to the help of Yong who is trapped in both a past and a career he is not interested in anymore. But that does not happen right away.

I enjoyed C.D. Truncheon writing style a lot. The characters he built, and the variety when it comes to race along with the main characters’ chemistry all make A K-Pop Dream a special MM romantic story. I appreciate the representation a lot and the multiple themes used. I feel many readers will relate to Yong’s problems and have compassion for him and his circumstances. All this makes this story a romance with substance. Don’t miss it.


  • Interracial Romance
  • Korean Culture
  • Military Service
  • Band Member
  • Suicide
  • Safe Sex
  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing