Why Gay Erotica? And my Reading Ritual

A friend of mine some time ago asked me why do I enjoy gay erotica, being a reader himself too but not of the genre. I felt from the way he asked me he was looking down at that genre. Many other readers do the same intentionally or unintentionally of erotica genre in general and specifically gay erotica genre. And it is an upsetting thing when that happens, but I guess the whole thing is like a hierarchy where someone looks down at someone else’s reading choices. I have seen nonfiction readers who think reading fiction books is just a waste of time! So I told my friend that the same way he looks down at my reading choice, someone else will be looking down at his reading choice too. And this kind of behavior goes far beyond reading genres and in other things of life too.

I learned to never belittle someone for his choices and I expect the same from others when it comes to mine. Going back to the main question. Why gay erotica? of course, that friend is gay too and he is a big fantasy reader (mainly the mainstream ones) but gay erotica never clicked for him. He always told me that instead of wasting time reading gay erotica he would rather watch some gay porn and get a more exciting time out of it. I asked him how he reads these hot short stories and he told me like he reads all the other genres. Of course, that is a way to read erotica but I don’t think this is the ideal way. I have my own reading ritual when I’m reading this genre. I need not be disturbed, so I can immerse myself in the story that was created by Gay Erotica Gods. Yes, I call the authors as Gods because they are the creators of these horny stories. They have this power that they transfer to me as a reader to imagine the world and the characters that they have created in my own eyes. I own that power of imagination now. That is true with other genres of books as well, but the different thing is that I create my own atmosphere while reading erotica. I don’t sit still reading and doing nothing. No, as the story progresses I touch myself, I rub my chest. With my eReader sitting on my lap I play with my nipples, rub them, pinch them. I keep touching and rubbing my inner thighs. Holding and groping my bulge, Give my penis some sensual strokes, pulling my balls, rubbing my hole. I don’t do all that randomly but along with the story and the situation. Sometimes I make a pause, close my eyes, and repeat that scene I just read about in my imagination as if I am watching it. Or I reread a sentence or a paragraph that aroused me in a great way appreciating the horny wordings and the atmosphere that the author made for me as a reader. That is what I call putting myself into The Zone! The zone of complete sexual bliss.

And nowadays with creating this site and writing reviews that pleasure is doubled! I’m in the zone first time for reading the story and second time for writing the review especially if it was an intensely erotic gay story. Sitting in front of the PC, with a boner, going through my eReader’s highlights and notes, reliving the sexy tale again, writing about the actions I enjoyed or didn’t enjoy with my penis twitching constantly and leaking all that gay precum while my hole pulsing repeatedly. I won’t lie, even as I am writing this post my cock is stiff and leaking, I can feel that precum in my undies! And the same thing always happens when I browse books online for purchase. My cock just makes the choices of which book to pick up next! Crazy ha? But that is the truth, and I wanted in this post to be as raw and transparent as possible.

To me, gay erotic books and gay porn are two necessities and different media forms. They are equally important, both are very much needed for pleasure and inspiration and they cannot replace each other as my friend suggested. Gay porn presents you that hot horny visual of men doing it all together as per the director’s view. We watch the same porno movie, we see the same actions. Yes, we might interpret actions or situations differently but they will be the same when we are watching the same movie. Like when you see a porn star with a 10-inches dick then everybody sees that penis as a physical sex object the same way, be it its shape, head, skin color, etc. But a 10-inches penis in written literature will be different from a person to another because that will be depending on your imagination. The writer has given you the information but it is your mind that creates the picture. If the writer gave that same penis a foreskin then the type of foreskin that I imagine is different than that you will imagine. As a reader, I tend to choose my favorite features to keep myself aroused and in the zone.

So give erotica books a chance by reading them differently. Try my reading ritual. Sometimes when you read something very arousing pause, close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine yourself in that scene, or in the position of one of the characters. When your cock twitches to a line or sentence read it again, it will twitch again and you know you are loving it. Go with the flow, give yourself the freedom you want to enjoy the story. I remember once I read a short gay story (can’t remember the title) where the author brilliantly had this disclaimer after the cover page that the book was written with the author being completely naked and that the reader should also read it fully naked! my penis jumped to that and I immediately undressed completely getting into my zone where I have nothing but complete sexual bliss! We all need that trance!