Key West, Wanna See My…

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date: ‎ July 25, 2021
Series: Naked Gay Lust Book 6

Key West, Wanna See My… is the sixth book in the series. As soon as I completed reading book five, I came to the conclusion that it was my favorite installment of the series up to that point. Nevertheless, now that I’ve finished this one, I believe book six is my new favorite in the series. The last book gave us a glimpse of the blossoming love that existed between Tanner and Ty. Even though their relationship was on and off, I think it got a lot stronger because they now understand each other better. They are more aware of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

It was a lot of pleasure reading this particular installment. It was more like going on a picnic with your pals and engaging in some daring behavior while you were out in public. I really enjoyed the amount of exhibitionism that was included in this novel. A mixture between romance and exhibitionism can be highly erotic. The introduction of a new character (Chad) to the story in the role of an instructor has made several new storyline possibilities available. It was quite refreshing to see him interact with the two major characters in such a gentlemanly manner. He invited Ty and Tanner to stay at his apartment and suggested that they spend their vacation in Key West, which is filled with gay-friendly establishments and clothing-optional clubs. The book transports you to Key West and immerses you in its culture as if you were actually there.

There is a lot to appreciate about this story, ranging from the fantastic sensual moments to the touching and honest conversations that take place between the main protagonists. The supplied photographs are likewise of extremely high artistic quality. It is clear that the author has selected them with care so that they are appropriate for each chapter. Ty Debauchee never ceases to amaze me, even with each new book. Being a reader who enjoys a wide range of genres, I’ve seen that his writing and the stories he tells keep growing on me the more I read his work.


  • Gay Erotica
  • Coming Out
  • Threesome
  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Exhibitionism

Secret Pose

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date: ‎ July 24, 2021
Series: Naked Gay Lust Book 5

This is the book where love truly blossoms between Ty and Tanner. It is currently my favorite out of the first five books in the series. The same strong attributes that Tanner possesses counteract Ty’s generosity and gentleness. This beautiful story touches on a lot of important issues in a subtle way. Many romantic novels don’t address or take seriously the concept of being attracted to and loving more than one person. Tanner convinces Ty, the main character, in a compelling way that he is not cheating on his lover, Garrett.

The level of heart-to-heart conversation the two main characters have is what makes Secret Pose stand apart in my opinion. Their various dialogues, in my viewpoint, are really significant and hit all the appropriate notes. It’s wonderful when two vulnerable characters can feel secure and at ease in each other’s company. On one hand, Ty is still grieving his loss and requires sympathy and assistance. Tanner, on the other hand, continues to lead a secretive path regarding his sexuality and is reluctant to come out to his friends and family. Readers will cheer for both of them and want them to be together because both of them are endearing characters.

Both the sensual and romantic aspects of this part are excellent. Tanner has a secret, as the book’s title implies, and it involves posing for portraits in an art class. There is a great deal of exhibitionism going on. This really heated up the narrative. It is a lot of fun, especially when Ty joins in.

The ending to this part is charming and delightful. This, in my opinion, is the novel that makes things official for the two main characters. The events in the upcoming novels will change the course of the narrative. Everything in this volume, including the amount of romance, the heat of the sex scenes, the pacing, and the conclusion, has been masterfully done by Ty Debauchee. Everything is perfect and I wouldn’t change a thing.  This increases my anticipation for the upcoming books.


  • Gay Erotica
  • Coming Out
  • Frottage
  • Massage
  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Exhibitionism

Trysting Guilt

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 24, 2021
Series: Naked Gay Lust Book 4

Trysting Guilt is the fourth book in the series. In this installment, Ty is still grieving and struggling to cope with his situation of losing his lover. However, with Tanner’s help, the pain will gradually lessen and the healing process will start to work. Tanner will do his best to honor the promise he made to Garret to be there for Ty and look after him. The highlight of this part is the letter that Garrett wrote to Tanner asking him to love Ty.

The book starts with a beautiful steamy dream sequence between Ty and Garrett. Like in the previous books, the sex scenes are very tender and at the same time extremely sexy. They capture the love story between the two lovers very well and are filled with lots of kissing on every part of the body. Ty Debauchee knows how to write them so beautifully. You just don’t want them to end.

The chemistry between Tanner and Ty is fantastic. Both of them are good guys and deserve the best. Ty is suffering from the loss of his lover, while Tanner’s main problem is being in the closet because he is still not sure about his sexuality and would like Ty to help him with that. Ty gives him excellent advice about the subject which makes sense a lot. The intimacy between the two gets stronger each passing day. Although Ty still feels guilty about being with Tanner at first, the guilt will gradually become less especially after reading Garrett’s letter.

Overall, this was another charming installment in the series. Readers might find the pace a little slower in books 3 and 4 than in previous books but I feel the author intentionally did it this way to focus more on the two main characters’ feelings and their new bond. I can’t wait to start book five!


  • Grief
  • Bareback Sex
  • Massage
  • Blowjob
  • Masturbation

Raw Tragedy

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 23, 2021
Series: Naked Gay Lust Book 3

This is the third book in the series. Ty’s life becomes more difficult due to Garrett’s absence. He suffers from a major anxiety attack. The loss of his lover is not something easy. Fortunately, Tanner is there to comfort him from time to time. But what forces in the world would be able to separate two lovers who are deeply in love with each other? Nobody could, except one force that we have no control over but even that is not a sure thing in this case. We just don’t know! Enough said, so I won’t spoil anything for you. Unfortunately, tragedy strikes and it hits really hard. The main character is in for some very difficult times.

This installment deals a lot with grief and the loss of a lover. Of course, this is a trigger so if you are sensitive to such a subject you need to be cautious getting into this story. The author not only successfully depicted the grief status of the main character but also provided the right means and support for his character through the presence of Tanner. Tanner is a very caring and gentle character. I’m sure there will be some more emotional developments between the two at the right time.

Provided the nature of the main theme of this installment, sex scenes will be hard to fit in. The major sex scenes come up in the form of dream sequences between Ty and Garrett. And I believe there is one more with a soldier too. The other method the author has used is the different gestures and touching that keep happening between Ty and Tanner. Even though I am not a big fan of dream sequences as they usually don’t serve a purpose to the story, in this particular case I cannot think of any other way of implementing the erotic scenes in the story in its current form without affecting its melancholic atmosphere. What will happen next? That I will let you know when I read book four. So stay tuned.


  • Grief
  • Bareback Sex
  • Threesome
  • Blowjob
  • Masturbation

Illicit Twist

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 23, 2021
Series: Naked Gay Lust Book 2

Boy, was I wrong! I didn’t see this coming! Illicit Twist lives up to its name for sure. It is beautiful, it is shocking somehow. It will make you melancholic but with some hope too. I am not sure how I am going to review this book because I feel saying more than necessary will spoil the story. So I will do my best to keep this review short and without any major spoilers. You have to read the book to see some of the revelations that this installment offers.

First, I was wrong about my prediction of where the story might be heading because it did not go in that direction at all. Am I glad about it? Yes and no! Yes because I like it when an author does not make things predictable and no because when you get attached to characters you just don’t want to let go of them. But that is not my story as a reader. It is the author’s story and he made all the plans for the plot and he knows better the direction he wants his series to go.

Let me confess something here. Although I loved the previous book very much I loved this one even more! I guess it has to do with the romance and the intimate scenes between the main characters. Ty Debauchee’s writing makes you feel the heat and the passionate intimacy between the two lovers. Their love for each other is intense and the lust is so intimate and shows greatly. The sex scenes are so beautiful. Not just full of lust but also full of tenderness. They leave a sweet taste in your mouth.

This book is all about Garrett and the secret he tells Ty about his identity and parents. The ending is sad though especially if you have read the previous series and got attached to the characters. But hey, all is not lost apparently. There is Tanner and he sounds promising! 😅 This review might not make sense to you at all if you have not read the book. Lol. But I am trying to keep it all spoiler-free. I loved the last scene a lot! This was a great second book. Now we get the picture of where the events are heading but Mr. Debauchee might have some more surprises for us in the next book. We won’t know until we read it. And that is the plan.


  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Bareback Sex
  • 69
  • Foot Play

Carnal Anguish

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date ‏ : ‎ January 31, 2021
Series: Naked Gay Lust Book 1

This series is the author’s third series featuring the same main character Ty. In the previous series Desire which consists of eight books, we followed Ty in high school, his coming out story, and his love tale with Garrett. This series takes off from where the previous one stopped. Ty and Garrett are now far away from each other. They are in their sophomore year of college. Their relationship faces a big challenge. Will they be able to maintain their love relationship with the long-distance? How will that work? What happens if someone comes between them? Will this bond be able to survive the storm of reality? That is what you will read in this first installment.

The book starts with a very sexy dream sequence of the main character having a good time with Garrett and Colton at the beach. Three hot young guys in the skimpiest swimsuits for sure will make you create an amazing picture in your mind. This scene will awaken all your carnal desires especially when the guys go to the clothing-optional section! Just reading this scene made me remember how beautifully the author can write the love scenes without the need of going all the way to the hardcore stuff. If you have read his previous books, you will understand what I mean.

The new main character that comes in the picture is Tanner (That gorgeous guy on the cover). He is Ty’s classmate and the new danger in his life! Not because he is a bad guy, on the contrary, he seems to be a very good chap. But the danger is that Ty finds him very attractive so from inside he is constantly fighting his own urges as he believes that he and Garrett are meant for each other. But the problem is Garrett isn’t around. So will Ty fail to resist the new guy?

I liked how the author introduced new conflicts right from the first book. I feel the tension will continue to rise in the next couple of books. The newfound chemistry between Ty and Tanner is something to look out for. I feel it will blossom into something. Was that first scene in the book a hint the author is giving the readers of where this relationship might go? Is he preparing the readers for this kind of relationship? I don’t know yet, but I wouldn’t mind it all 😁. I guess the second book will tell where the story is heading. Excellent start for a first book. In case you were wondering, I think you can start right from this series but I highly recommend reading the first series before getting into this one so you understand how strong the bond is between Ty and Garrett.


  • Threesome
  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Beach Sex
  • Slurs
  • Masturbation
  • Long Distance Relationship

Abs Lust Player

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date : December 15, 2020
Series: Desire Book 8

Abs Lust Player is the eighth and last book in the Desire series. It is summertime and the boys are trying to cope with their mixed emotions of parting ways. After finishing his first year in community college, Ty is ready to go to the University and that means leaving his lover Garrett behind with his parents. This last part of the series is about love, insecurity, fear of the future, and more love!

The book starts differently as the boys are being chased by a car. Their dad works with his sources to know who was behind all this but with no success. Strock still shows up and causes problems but nothing that the two boys couldn’t handle. However, the homophobe does cause the two boys to spend a night in jail.

Ty, Garrett, and Logan will have threesome fun while camping at the lake but when Gio shows up Ty gets to know that Logan is not the person he thought he was. This changes his image in his eyes. Ty will do his best to reassure Garrett who feels insecure that Ty might meet new guys in the University and eventually forget about him. When Ty asks his dad for another one-week vacation at the same hotel they stayed in, his dad arranges for them a two weeks vacation in one of his long-time associate’s houses on a private island in Trinidad & Tobago.

The whole atmosphere in that isolated island was so much fun to read about. The two guys enjoyed their clothing-optional time with each other. The staff who took care of the house and the guests were wonderful side characters as well. I enjoyed reading about the clothless volleyball match in which the two boys kept teasing each other in front of the others. It is in this place where Ty pops the question! What will be Garrett’s answer and reaction? That you need to read to know. I just appreciate the author keeping things open-ended. You can draw your own conclusion.

I had lots of fun reading all the books in the series. Whether it is about storytelling or erotic scenes, Ty Debauchee’s writing style is just fantastic. He knows how to keep things interesting and in balance be it the dramatic tensions, the love scenes, or the character development. I feel everything was well balanced. All the books were consistently at the same level of appeal and entertainment. The two main characters have kept evolving from the first book in the series until the last one. And along with them their love story and romance evolved and grew beautifully. I am going to miss these characters for sure. Very happy and glad that I read this series.

Many thanks to the author Ty Debauchee for providing me a free copy of this book. I am leaving this review voluntarily after being sent the book.


  • Coming Out
  • Homophobia
  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Bareback Sex
  • Safe Sex
  • Slurs
  • Exhibitionism
  • Threesome
  • Spit-Roasting

Abs Lust Beach Romp

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date : November 15, 2020
Series: Desire Book 7

Following the prom night in the sixth book the fun continues in this installment, I would call it a great ride for the two main protagonists and a fun vacation for the readers as well. Ty’s parents have surprised the two boys with an all-expenses-paid vacation for a week at a hotel in Clearwater Beach. The two will have lots of fun and action at the beach and get to know some guys who will play with them.

When it comes to the main characters, I noticed that with each book in the series, the author has added lots of character growth to the protagonists. There is not just maturity but also looking at the outer world from a different perspective. At the beginning of the series, these characters are closeted. Gradually they open up to each other but that only happens behind closed doors. Now they are out in the open and do not mind showing their affection to each other in front of others and at times they don’t mind playing with others together. These changes are gradual and brilliantly implemented by the author. One can picture it like a closed flower that grows and gradually opens up.

Book seven is all about the wonderful beach atmosphere and making love there. Yes, the characters still encounter some homophobes and get some remarks here and there but nothing too dramatic besides Garrett’s night terrors. I should not forget to mention that the major fun happens at the clothing-optional part of the beach 😄. There are two new characters that the couple will encounter, Colton and Wes. This time they not just have a threesome only but also a foursome! Naughty boys!

Abs Lust Beach Romp is so much fun. I loved everything about it. The beach atmosphere, the characters’ newly found freedom, lovemaking, and their adventures together or with other characters. Like the previous books, the two guys are now more daring than before and enjoy some kind of exhibitionism which makes things spicier. I can’t believe that only one book left to finish this series. I still have not started reading the last book and I am already missing these characters!

Many thanks to the author Ty Debauchee for providing me a free copy of this book. I am leaving this review voluntarily after being sent the book.


  • Coming Out
  • Homophobia
  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Bareback Sex
  • Slurs
  • Exhibitionism
  • Threesome
  • Foursome

Abs Lust Exposed

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date : October 15, 2020
Series: Desire Book 6

The sixth book of the Desire series takes place right after the prom party. Both Ty and Garrett are away from home and together they have lots of fun. You can say they are having the night of their life. The two boys despite being shy, reserved and introverts feel very safe in the presence of each other and start having new experiences be it public fun or a threesome with another guy! So this book is more about the boys living out of their cage and slightly on the edge.

I really appreciate the author taking a more risque dimension when it comes to the sexual scenes between the two main characters. Their act in the movie theater and how the two played with the new character little Garret in the hotel’s jacuzzi while a straight couple watching added a lot of spicy flavor to their beautiful romance.

The book has lots of delicious fluff. but still, there are serious moments to look for that show the maturity these two characters reached to. In this part, we get to know that Ty suffers from a specific phobia. You have to read to know what kind of phobia it is. But what phobia a true love cannot overcome?

I truly loved and enjoyed this book. To me, it felt like I was on a picnic or a holiday with these two guys. Ty Debauchee made things a bit more adventurous and exciting yet the intimacy was never out of place even when the two were sharing another guy. Everything seemed perfectly narrated and structured. It really felt like I was on a ride with them and loved every moment of it.

“This was starting out to be yet another incredible episode of the most amazing weekend story I have ever experienced or even dreamt about”.

Many thanks to the author Ty Debauchee for providing me a free copy of this book. I am leaving this review voluntarily after being sent the book.


  • Coming Out
  • Homophobia
  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Bareback Sex
  • Slurs
  • Exhibitionism
  • Threesome

Abs Lust Prom

by Ty Debauchee

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Publication date : September 15, 2020
Series: Desire Book 5

Abs Lust Prom is the fifth book in the Desire series. In this installment, we get to see how Garrett has become a part of Ty’s life and family after Ty’s parents decided to adopt him as their own. The two guys have become officially a couple at least inside their home and under the supervision of the family. Outside the house and specifically at school, Ty remains very protective of his lover and always is there for him. Strock still did not learn a lesson from his bullying last time so this time the two guys cleverly make everything happens in front of the school’s security cameras. Not only that but Garrett finds himself somehow becoming popular after everybody in the school know how he defended himself against four guys. This gave the boy a lot of self-confidence.

The main theme of this story is going to the prom. I don’t want to reveal much about it because I’d like the readers to get into the book not knowing what is going to happen. I know there are many possible scenarios that one would think about. I appreciate the author choosing the more realistic option for the prom night. Of course, these two guys can’t stop touching each other or playing with each other even at school on prom night! I liked how Garrett reacted when the coach that night entered the class they were in. This situation was hilarious.

Abs Lust Prom is as beautiful as the previous books in the series. The intimacy is still very much there. So if you really enjoyed the smutty scenes in those books you will enjoy it here too. Ty Debauchee has his own signature when it comes to love-making scenes. They are truly more than just sex. One can clearly feel all that. This was fun to read and now I’m starting the next book.

Many thanks to the author Ty Debauchee for providing me a free copy of this book. I am leaving this review voluntarily after being sent the book.


  • Coming Out
  • Homophobia
  • Blowjob
  • Cum Swallowing
  • Bareback Sex
  • Slurs
  • Prom Night